Chinese Cultural Day

Date: 03/02/2023

On the 3th February, 2023, the Chinese Cultural Day was held in school. To enhance student’s understanding towards Chinese culture, a series of activities were organized for students to explore the Chinese culture. A Sichuan Face changing performer from the Hong Kong Jigucun Guocui Education Limited was invited to have a Face-changing performance for our teachers and students. Workshops about Flour doll and tie dyeing were also organized for students to experience these traditional handicrafts.

本校的中國文化日於二月三日舉辦,爲了增加同學對中國文化的認識,學校安排了一系列的活動讓同學去體驗中國文化。學校邀請到來自校園集古村的表演者為同學表演川劇變臉, 亦為同學安排了麵粉公仔工作坊和札染工作坊,讓同學體驗這些傳統手藝。
